Great Exceptions: the journey of not becoming a mother 

JULY 13th 2024

Are you a woman who hasn’t become a mother in the traditional or expected sense? Have you been on a journey of coming to terms with a different reality - through the landscapes of longing, loss, hope, grief, shame, otherness, acceptance? Wherever you are at on your journey, come and join us for an intimate and loving day of exploration, storytelling, breathwork and tea ceremony in sisterhood, as we honour our bodies and our stories, tend to the parts that need care, and remember our true power and creative potential as women, whether we have had children or not. 


Time: 10-6.30pm

Location: Isumataq Retreats

Price: £350

Outline of day

9.30-10am: arrival, tea & snacks

10am: Welcome, partner work & intention-setting 

11am: Conscious connected breathwork with Retta  

12-1.15: Buffet Lunch   

1.15: Maiden Mother Crone: a personal storytelling by Retta on the passage of womanhood, finding your inner authority, and the inner knowing that surpasses anything that can be taught

2.15pm: Sharing circle and grief-tending workshop with Remi and Retta 

3.45pm: Zen Tea Ceremony with Anna  

5pm: Recognising and reframing our potency as creators: workshop with Remi and Retta 

6.30pm: Day Close with a song circle by the fire

Simple meal for those who wish to stay on. Carriages by 8pm.  

REMI’s co-FACILITATORS: Retta Bowen and Anna Haber 

Retta Bowen is a psychotherapist, breathwork facilitator and performer. In 2017 she left her therapy work to go to clown school in Canada – part of a process of waking up to her true joy and need for self-expression. Following her instincts, and on a mission to get well, Retta found herself on a truer path of healing and transformation, learning from many different guides, practices, and medicines; these medicines have become the most important teachers in her life. 

Since then, Retta has been incorporating her learning into her work with adults and children and facilitating workshops combining the breath and fooling. She is passionate about supporting people to connect with the innate, unconditioned parts of themselves, and to trust the body’s wisdom. She recently returned from touring her story, Maiden Mother Crone, in New Zealand.

Anna Haber is a certified KRI Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher.  She also practices and studies Kundalini Yoga Therapy, Tantra, Shamanism, BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release, as well as Arun Conscious Touch. he has been holding retreats and workshops alongside master teachers, shamans and healers in the field of Shamanism, Embodiment, Tantra, Conscious Touch, Family and Systemic Constellations, Systems Thinking, and Abundance. Anna has been trained in and practises the art of Zen Tea. She holds a deep and exquisite zen tea ceremonial space which supports presence, healing and integration.


Fill out the form to register your interest and we will get back to you to confirm your booking and payment details.