Date to be announced

We live in rapidly changing times, where the thrust to move forward is continual, often at the cost of honouring our past and integrating the benefits of our collective learning. Exploring our ancestry can be invaluable in helping individuals access and develop a greater sense of belonging and resourcefulness. Additionally, the act of honouring our ancestors can help us to recognise and integrate resilience and strength in the face of adversity. 

Helping leaders connect with their ancestry in a meaningful way can provide a source of deeper learning and self-understanding.  Aspects of others that we identify with, as well as wish to change, can have a profound impact on our leadership styles and outlook, while qualities that are present within our lineage, consciously or unconsciously, can inform our understanding of our superpowers and our areas for growth.   

A day-long workshop designed to enable participants to connect more deeply with their innate skills and resources as bestowed through their ancestral line. We will use group ritual, family systems mapping, constellations and ancestor dialogue to develop a deeper understanding of self and identity by connecting to those that have gone before us. We will also use our lived experience to examine resilience as a felt sense, integrating and applying it to the current challenges we face.

Exploring ancestry can also be a powerful tool to help us reveal systemic dynamics in our work and home environments, as well as to understand the unspoken dynamics that influence our ability to relate to the systems we belong to.